Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Updates from RSI!

What a hectic but joyful holiday season! RSI was blessed with several surprises this holiday season!

Each year RSI has it's annual Holiday Wish List, much like an "angel tree" however the lists are for residents who don't receive gifts from family or friends. Volunteers then "sponsor" the resident, by shopping for the items on the resident's wish list. Supporters can also make monetary donations to go towards the holiday wish list.

This year we were pleasantly surprised with the amount of feedback and support we received for the holiday wish list! So many wonderful individuals opened their heart and demonstrated the true meaning of Christmas. It is safe to say that everyone had a very merry Christmas!

And, there certainly seemed to be plenty of Christmas spirit!

Not only were we surprised about the wonderful response we received for the resident's holiday wish lists, but also for the house's holiday wish lists! Each group home gets together and as roommates they come up with a wish list, items they would like for Christmas that everyone in the house can enjoy.

These lists generally include more "big ticket" items (ex, tv's, dvd players, Wii's, bicycles, etc.). With the economy at the current moment, things weren't looking so good for the house items. However, at the last minute we received a very special phone call.

Follow link to The Chapel Hill News "Roses" to read more!
 A Special Christmas Story

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